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Compiled from census and vital records
Highlighted names are direct male descendants of the Palevsky patriarch in this family. Living direct male descendants are eligible to participate in the DNA Project to help us determine which Palevsky families are related to each other. We're looking for one male from each family tree to participate in this project.
Nombres destacados son directos descendientes masculinos del patriarca Palevsky en esta familia. Vivir directa descendientes varones son elegibles para participar en el Proyecto de ADN para ayudar a determinar qué familias Palevsky están relacionados unos con otros. Estamos buscando a un hombre de cada árbol de la familia a participar en este proyecto.
Descendant tree for Yeshia Tzvi:
Yeshia Tzvi Palevsky
Julius (Yale) Palevsky (~1881-1959)
m. Dobe (Dora/Doris) (~1878-1937)
Mae (Masha) Palevsky (~1907-19xx)
Hyman (Chaim) Palevsky (~1912-19xx)
Anne Palevsky (~1914-19xx)
Shmuel Palevsky (killed in the Holocaust)
m. Tzivia Shereshevsky (killed in the Holocaust)
Arnold Pallingston (~1920-1993)
m. Raya (~19xx-)
T. Pallingston
Sura Raizel Palevsky (~1897-19xx)
m. Zelig Birnbaum (~1888-1966)
LIVING (m) Birnbaum (~1923-)
m. WIFE (~19xx-)
LIVING (f) Birnbaum (~19xx-)
LIVING (f) Birnbaum (~1927-)
Juan (Chone) Palevsky (~18xx-1970)
m. Wife/Esposa
Isabel Palevsky (1928-2004)
m. Mr./Sr. Farkas
C. (f) Farkas
S. (m) Palevsky (1937-)
m. E. (f)
B. (f) Palevsky
More about Yeshia Tzvi's family:
Yeshai Tzvi Palevsky had 4 children that we're currently aware of: Yale, Shmuel, Sura Raizel & Chone. Yale and Sura Raizel immigrated to New York, while Chone immigrated to Argentina. Shmuel and his wife Tzivia nee Shereshevsky remained in Antopol and perished in the Holocaust. However, one of their sons, Arnold, immigrated to New York just in time, before the war began.
Records for Yeshia Tzvi's family:
1906-Nov-20 (Page 1): "Joez" Palewski - To brother-in-law Max Schagor, Pitkin Street, NYC
1910-Jul-04 (Page 1,
Page 2,
Detained): Dobe & Masha "Paliwski" - To husband Joel Palewsky, 254 4th Street or 40 Avenue B, Manhattan, NY
1921-Apr-12 (Page 1,
Page 2): Cypa, Zelig, Juda, Sora Ryzla "Barenbaum" - To son/brother/husband Louis Birnbaum, 459 Hinsdale Street, Brooklyn, NY
1920: Julius, Dora, May, Hyman, Annie "Balefsky" - 535 5th Street, Manhattan, NY
1930: Julius, Doris, Hyman, Annie "Pallefsky" - 647 11th Street, Manhattan, NY
Records still needed:
- Arnold Pallingston's ship manifest
- Chone/Juan's ship manifest
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